Your donation is 100% tax deductible and goes to support our growing clinic that offers life-affirming care to our thousands of patients from all over Colorado. Your donation enables us as a faith based independent clinic to care for each person as God created them without sacrificing our medical conscience rights. Thank you for standing alongside us as we make people whole in our broken world.

Each month we have a 30% gap between our expenses and income. Because we are a faith-based and independent clinic, we receive on average 30% of what we bill to insurance. We also offer free or discounted care to the abortion vulnerable, financially vulnerable, religious communities, and first responders.

That is where our monthly supporters step in. By covering this gap, we can not only just stay open but continue to grow and provide dignified, life-affirming, and Christ-centered care to those in need. 

Thank you for making the sacrifice to support Bella's mission to get souls to Heaven by making people whole monthly!

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